The Myth
I guess there is always that old stereotype with past life regression. People always seem to think we will be Cleopatra or some exotic known character from history. Maybe your past life regression would reveal that you were an ugly outlaw from the Midwest holed up in jail. A good example modelled by my good self in the photo!! 😛
Through the use of spiritual hypnosis, generally most peoples’ past lives are pretty basic normal lives. I have had people however experience some very bizarre lives that maybe I’ll share with you at a later time.
Who might I be
Through past live regression hypnosis, here are some examples of the lives that people have experienced while working with me:
• A banker living in London
• A sword-smith living a solitary life in the Scottish Borders, making swords for his fellow villagers to fight the English
• An author dying of a skin disease who wrote children’s books and worried about leaving his wife and child behind
• A theatre manager, who enjoyed being in the theatre after all the people had left and felt at home there.
• An ancient tribal child living a very primitive existence thousands of years ago.
• There was a woman who came to me and experienced a life as a young male soldier heading to WW1 on a boat. He unfortunately met his end on the battlefield after being ordered to go over the top. Before the fateful moment however he experiencing the horrid conditions of living a cold, wet and miserable period in the trenches.
The list could go on, but these are just a few that spring to mind that I have guided people through over the many years I have been working in this area.
What Its All About
The best part about it all though is not about the joys, the tragedy, the fates they met or how much money they made. What we learn from the past life regression is that its not about drama. It seems to be more about the lessons they learned through these lives.
It’s the dramas and challenges however that seem to give us the platform to allow us to grow. They advance our souls and let us learn the lessons we are here to learn.
Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy
What did they learn from their past lives? After the past life, we can use the more spiritual work. With a between lives hypnotherapy session you can take people to the next part of the experience. People like Dr Michael Newton, Brian Weiss and Delores Cannon have wrote some fascinating books on this subject. Sometimes when working with the between lives state this involves interaction with the higher self or a spirit guide. This can give us a very spiritual experience into the bargain.
The Lessons
The sword-smith for instance, led a very solitary life and never married, but lessons were simply to learn to live in solitude.
The soldier in WW1 was learning about friendship and how you can trust in others to help you. The soldier’s last vision of his life, was of his friend trying to drag his body back to the trench, hoping to save him.
After the transition from the life of the young soldier, the client had no concern about dying young. Neither did she show any anger towards the circumstance or the person who killed him as the young soldier. Instead she saw the lessons that she was supposed to experience and learn, and understood what was to be taken from that life.
How It Can Help In This Life
Most people seem to have lived many past lives. It seems though that through past life regression sessions, we are shown ones that may be appropriate to us at our current time.
Maybe there’s something we need to remember that can assist us in our current life – possibly a lesson we have previously learned.
Sometimes we may be struggling with issues in our current life which we’re failing to move forward with. We may then discover it’s a recurring issue we have had in past lives.
This realisation seems to help people through it; moving them forward in their current lives as well as giving them the experience of the bigger picture.
Simplicity And The Elegance
So really, the greatest lessons can be learned from the simplest of past lives.
We don’t need to be a extravagant queen like Cleopatra to gain the wisdom we need or lessons we have to learn. Every life is beautiful and amazing in its own way.
Past life regression and between lives hypnosis are wonderful tools that allows us insight into the other dimensions of who we are. Spiritual hypnotherapy also gives us more in-depth realisations about what life on Earth is all about.
Working With Me
Although I live in Cambuslang in Glasgow, working with people face to face, I also work over Skype or Zoom. This allows me to give people all around the world these wonderful, spiritual and insightful experiences of the past life regressions and between lives.
Contact me if you’re interested in this fascinating spiritual hypnotherapy subject. Maybe you wish to experience this hypnotic regression therapy and would like to experience a past life regression for yourself. The between lives hypnotherapy can also be added into the session. The between lives just adds to the experience, providing you with that wider more spiritual experience.
To enquire or book a session, please follow the link to my contact page: