The Origins of Past Life Regression The idea of past life regression and reincarnation is as old as …
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Between Lives Hypnosis
The Origins of Life Between Lives The idea of at some point being a soul existing out with the human …
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What is Spiritual Hypnosis
What is spiritual hypnosis you might ask? To understand this, it’s good to understand what hypnosis is first.
We might think of hypnosis as a mind control trick that a stage hypnotist may conduct. Some may even think it’s some sort of magic. In fact hypnosis is nothing more than a natural state of the mind that happens constantly every day in everyone’s life.
Hypnosis is a high state of focus, where the hypnotist can direct the person’s mind to elements that may not generally be focused on.
The Unconscious Is Always Listening
To understand this better, a good example may be to imagine you are in a crowded room.
Suppose you are engaged in a conversation with someone and in a high state of focus with this person. Now suppose there are a few people 12 feet away from you also engaged in conversation. If I was to ask you what they were talking about, you would likely have no idea, as you have been engrossed in your own conversation.
The key thing is, that your unconscious mind is listening, but just not directing it to your conscious attention.
To illustrate this, imagine you were in the middle of your conversation, oblivious to the other conversation. Then suddenly one of the people in the other conversation said your name. Immediately, your unconscious mind will recognise this as something that should be brought to your attention.
It’s likely you will stop short in your current conversation to turn round to see why your name has been mentioned.
This shows that there may be many things going on around you. However your unconscious mind just doesn’t think that it’s relevant or in need of your immediate attention.
Beyond The Physical
So to bring this now to spiritual hypnosis. The idea is that there is much more to us than our physical being. From the work I do, it is generally reported, that we are conscious energetic beings. Beings greater than just our physical body. Beings who are engaged in a construct (the physical world) in order for us to learn lessons we came here to learn.
All of this expanse of the energetic dimensions, is all there around us. In the physical reality however, we are here to engage in the game of learning. The bigger picture is not fully shown to us though, keeping our focus on our learning.
This doesn’t mean we can’t experience the expanded dimensions however.
Expand The Conscious Focus
This is where spiritual hypnosis comes in. We can direct the focus of attention to these other parts of our existence. We can use spiritual hypnosis to explore the past lives we have lived.
Explore the between lives state, our true spiritual home. The place where we plan the learning and the lives we live in the physical plane.
Really our whole existence is spiritual, the physical perception is only a small part of our greater being and existence. So spiritual hypnosis is really just a way to connect and focus on these other elements.
Past life Regression Hypnosis
Using hypnotic regression therapy, we can take people to the other lives they have lived. Then work with the unconscious mind, we can direct their focus to the past lives.
Past life regression hypnosis has even been known to bring about healing. Healing where people may be carrying energetic blocks which have been carried over from the other lives.
Past life regression really ties into the idea of reincarnation. In fact, reincarnation is nothing new and has been an integral belief of some of the major eastern religions. Using hypnosis however is a very effective way of exploring this idea of past lives and the idea of reincarnation.
I have worked with past life regression for many years from my base in Cambuslang, Glasgow in Scotland. Anyone who may Googling “past life hypnosis near me” and being disappointed that I’m not close by, needn’t worry. I also work online over Skype Zoom. From my experience, past life regression hypnotherapy works just as well online as it does face to face.
Between Lives Hypnosis
Between lives hypnosis maybe the slightly less known therapy. It’s one of the most powerful however. With the between lives hypnosis, you have the ability to explore and understand more about your higher self and your true being.
Meet Your Spirit Guides
Many people can use this form of hypnosis for meeting your spirit guide or guides. Working with your spirit guide or higher beings that sometimes come through, can bring about amazing insight into your life path. This type of experience can be one of the more rewarding parts of life between lives hypnosis.
One of the amazing things about people meeting their spirit guide is that they usually immediately recognise them. Within in the live between lives state, it’s like a forgotten memory is brought back.
Leaders In The Field Of Life Between Lives Work
Dr Michael Newton
For those looking to maybe read up on this subject, I would highly recommend Dr Michael Newton. Dr Michael Newton worked with over 7000 test cases over the life time of his career.
Dr Michael Newton also wrote the best seller Journey of Souls and also the follow up book Destiny of souls. It was in fact Dr Michael Newton’s books that inspired me into working with between lives hypnosis.
I was already a past life regression therapist working around the Glasgow area, however Dr Michael Newton’s book, sent me off into the more spiritual journey, exploring this type up work.
Dr Brian Weiss
Another great author on the subject is Dr Brian Weiss. Dr Brian Weiss was a successful psychiatrist who stumbled first into past life regression, then into the life between lives hypnosis work.
Dr Brian Weiss has written many books, written in a transcript format of his questions and the client’s answers. Similar actually to how Dr Michael Newton wrote Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.
Dr Brian Weiss’s books go into detail about the ascended masters who sometimes come forward in client sessions to pass on information.
Dolores Cannon
One last author I would mention is Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon also worked with past life regression and between lives hypnosis.
Her original background was investigating alien abduction using hypnosis. It was through her work investigating alien abductions, that she was shown that it was all the same thing.
Aliens were simply other beings of a higher frequency, usually working with people to help move along the advancement of the earth plane and the human race.
Although Dolores Cannon has also written many books, I would highly recommend the Convoluted Universe series. This is in my opinion, Dolores Cannons fines work. The Convoluted Universe series explores in depth and goes on to reveal a lot about our true nature and the nature of our existence.
My Influences In Between Lives Work
I would probably say Dr Michael Newton, Dr Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon have been my main influences. Much of my experience however in between lives work comes from the many clients I have worked with.
I had been working with past lives for around 20 years before picking up Dr Michael Newton’s book. It was the influence of these writers however that set me off on my path of working with life between life hypnosis.
Future Life Progression
This is another therapy where the use of hypnosis allows people to look at the life paths they are on. No life is determined, or set in stone on how it will unfold. We can look ahead to our best possible futures. Look at the destinations we may arrive at by continuing on current paths.
Future Life progression can help people move forward in life, should they feel stuck or disillusioned with their life.
It can help project ourselves forward into looking at the paths that lie ahead. Exploring the outcomes they may bring.
This can help ensure we are living our life to our highest potential in line with our soul mission. It can also help guide us back onto our desired path, should we have become lost.
Soul Mates
Some people like to use future life progression to discover more about their soul mates or future partner they may not have met yet.
With the life between lives hypnosis work, we are shown that many agreements have already been made. Agreements made from a souls point of view.
Future life progression can help reveal the soul mates that we potentially are destined to meet in the physical life.
Soul mates can take many forms, from family, friends to partners. With the future life progression, we are sometimes allowed to have a glimpse ahead. As long as it doesn’t interfere with our learning, as we are working through out lives.
Summary of Spiritual Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a very powerful tool in not only opening up our focus to our higher potential. It has a rich past in demonstrating healing, with Edgar Casey, probably one of the most famous healers. Casey helped thousands of people, by going into hypnosis and channelling them advise on their ailments.
Even many of the people working with Dr Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon, have claimed remarkable healing through this work.
Our minds are incredible, and probably capable of so much more than we realise. By tapping into this expanded awareness and connecting to the higher states, it can bring about many benefits.
Some people get guidance about around their life path. Maybe they are disillusioned with life and have maybe went off track.
Others gain wisdom or enlightenment they may be seeking. I have also had people reunited with deceased friends and family. This can help them come to terms with physical death (the soul never dies) and helps them move on with their lives.
I have had Reiki practitioners who have found their work has improved. Connections strengthened after making the connection to the higher levels on consciousness.
Spiritual hypnosis, incorporating past life regression hypnosis and between lives hypnosis is a wonderful process. It has brought me great personal fulfilment seeing people having incredible shifts. I have watched as it has brought immense joy and spiritual enlightenment to many of the people I work with.
Online using Zoom
If you wish to work with me, but live outside the UK or Scotland, my sessions are conducted over Zoom, so travel or distance is no issue.
Online sessions work just as well as face to face. I would recommend however people ensure they have a comfortable place they can conduct the session. A place where they won’t be interrupted. They should also ensure a fast and reliable internet connection to avoid disruption to the session.
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