Information gained from beings calling themselves Keepers of Light, through Past Life regression and Between Lives Hypnosis.
Divine Nature
When we think of nature, we think about the plants, the trees, the landscapes and the natural world around us. We often disassociate ourselves from the natural world and in many ways, work against it through our ways of living. Everything existing around us however, including ourselves, is all part of the glorious phenomenon that is nature, the divine creation.
The Keepers of Light
I was working with someone just over a week ago and the session brought out some very interesting and insightful information. This wasn’t the first time I had worked with this person and in fact, I have mentioned in a previous post how this client had brought forward information from a group of 8 advanced beings that referred to themselves as the Keepers of Light. These beings seemed to have a strong connection with nature and the Earth and the new information they were about to bring about didn’t disappoint.
After the client was shown and gained the understanding from the past life experience, the same 8 beings or Keepers of Light came forward again and presented themselves to the client. The client immediately recognised them.
Healed Earth Simulation
These beings first of all took the client to a place that seemed to be a simulation of Earth, or a rehearsal place as the client referred to it. The place seemed to be very much like Earth, but the client was told that this was a training place for healers of Earth. She was told that people need to be in tune with nature and this place was where healers could experience the healed Earth. It was described as a place of pure vibration which existed in a non physical dimension; however you could still feel the physical elements such as water and still see the mountains.
It was explained that Earth was too far gone, with many healers and other energies now coming in to help the Earth. The aim of it all being to help transform and heal the Earth without physical and vibrational pollution.
Lost Souls
The Keepers of Light went on to explain how there were many lost souls that have been influenced by dark forces, with one of the main agendas being to hurt and dominate nature. These lost souls may have been corrupted by the delusion of money, greed or power. These souls have adopted narcissistic tendencies and have strayed from their individual missions and what they would have set out to do as incarnating beings.
The Darkness
It was explained however that the dark had been around since the very beginning and was needed for balance. The Keepers of Light relayed that it wasn’t bad, but it is just one of the challenges of the Earth, engaging in the struggle between dark and light. It was explained that souls have free choice and it is their choice what they wish to choose. It seems however it is the role of the healers, the beings of light, to help souls find their way back to the light, to help them choose light and not be trapped. The beings of light can’t make them choose the light however, only help. It was said however that it was understood some will be lost.
Follow the Path
When asked for advice on how people can follow the right path, they explained that people have to stay awake and remember their true nature and respect nature. The Keeps of Light advised that people will be corrupted by fear if they lose their faith in the light. They will be corrupt by greed and power and become trapped by the dark. They also said however, that things will flip if people stop buying into the delusion.
The Fate of the Earth
The Keepers of Light warned that the situation on Earth is not decided. If more choose darkness, it will solidify a dark age. Should things move to darkness there will be much destruction. They said that darkness is not wrong or right. Should Earth follow a path of destruction, those who choose light won’t be trapped; they can always go to the light. The Keepers of Light advised that there are many places where souls can incarnate.
The Acceleration
On the subject of dark times, the Keepers of Light noted that there have been dark times for many centuries due to people been treated as objects. They explained however that there is a higher consciousness on earth now than before. It was suggested that there was an acceleration happening, the destruction is faster than before, but as is the raising of the consciousness. People have been tested before, but the test is getting harder with the stakes higher now. It will require much more of a person now, each and every person. The shifts are helping people grow faster as the challenges are bigger; it’s a much more difficult test.
Previous Ages of Destruction
With the information around this talk of potential destruction, it made me think of some of the myths and legends around ancient continents such as Atlantis. Through other past life regression sessions, lives had been recalled of people living in ancient times that seem to predate our current understandings of history. I decided to ask the client to ask about previous times of destruction. The Keepers of Light said that cycles of destruction have happened before in previous times on Earth. They said however that if we move towards dark and bring about destruction, we will repeat these cycles. They said however that if we move towards the light, we will move towards a new Earth.
The Unique Earth
They confirmed that everything is connected. Should there be total destruction, it will ripple out across the universe. It will create a scar. Earth is like a training ground and destruction like this will disrupt the learning processes.
The Keepers of Light advised that Earth is a significant experience; human reincarnation is a unique experience. There only is one Earth, Earth is unique. It’s all about nature and how we can experience connectedness in the human body with the things around us. We can feel the physical vibration, such as the flower or to touch another person.
The Keepers of Light went on to say that consciousness is the opposite of darkness. Dark forces will try to hold on to what they control. It’s like an end game, but people are waking up, people are becoming more conscious, but we must be mindful of the acceleration and be aware that dark forces are also accelerating. We need to be careful with our choices, as there is a lot of deception. This is why we have our guides; we need to stay connected to the light and to our guides. We mustn’t believe in the fear but that we should stay conscious. Many are seeing the light and so many guides and beings of light are here to help.
Current Structures
It was interesting how the information was presented, but I couldn’t help thinking about how this translates to our current existence, our day to day lives and the systems we live and survive by. I decided to ask the client to ask about our current systems and how we will be affected in terms of how we survive day to day, our food chains and our economic structures.
The Keepers of Lights said that current systems are corrupted by greed; they advised however that structures’ have always changed and evolved, with changes in governments and currencies given as examples. They said however that it’s not a problem when the collective move forward. It will be easy to find solutions. Once the consciousness has evolved, the solutions will be forthcoming. These solutions will be satisfactory for the people. They said we don’t need to worry about the structures or how new structures will come about. This isn’t a problem; the biggest decision will be choosing light or darkness.
The Epic Field
The client was then shown what she referred to as an energy, a sphere of light. As she was given it, she said she could feel the energy. She then said that she could feel that there is no problem; everyone is working together in such harmony. She reiterated that there are no problems, only solutions and infinite potential, amazing ideas and opportunities. She referred to the energy as the epic field energy and repeated “why would we even worry about things?”
The client said that everything seems so easy from this vantage point. When you believe there is a problem, you are creating the problem; you don’t need to stay in that energy of the problem. The client said again that she could feel this epic field energy and how we can all work and connect with this energy.
Protect our Energy
In a final message that client brought forward, we shouldn’t let people try to hook into our energy. Even if we help others, don’t give out your energy, but reflect the light energy to them. If they have chosen the darkness, they won’t be able to stand the light.
After allowing the client to experience this energy, the energy of this epic field, the beings then said they had no more to give at this time.
The New Earth
On reflecting, it all ties in very much with the idea that has came though so many other sessions, that we are moving towards a new Earth, that the Earth is ascending and shifting its vibration. From this session, it doesn’t seem that it is a foregone conclusion, however from this session and many other sessions, it’s apparent that we have wonderful guidance and help. It seems to all boil down to a very simple choice of choosing light over dark and being conscious and mindful of our actions and thoughts.
The Choice of Light and Dark
To return right back to the comments at the start of the session, there are many healers here to heal the Earth of not only the physical pollution but the vibrational pollution. They are here helping, but we each must stay conscious (the opposite of the dark as the Keepers of Light said) and make the choice between the light and the dark.
With so much going on in the world so far in 2020, the choices between the light and the dark might be starting to become easier to see. As the acceleration happens and these so called dark forces’ control becomes exposed, they will be playing their final cards in this ‘end game’. They will desperately grapple to hold on to that which they have controlled previously. People are waking up and people know deep down what is light and what is dark. Only by remain conscious and see past the delusion, we can avoid being trapped by the dark and move with the light.
New Age of Light
Through the choice of each and every one of us, we can move the Earth towards this new age. We can move towards an age of light and higher vibration. Together we can advance to an age of harmony and infinite potential and an age of higher connectedness.
thanks Catherine, glad you liked it. Its always a joy to get interaction with these types of beings when doing the past life regression hypnotherapy 🙂
Wow, reading this in May 2022 and it’s just amazing – this war between light and dark is playing out right before our very eyes at the moment. Thank you for this wisdom and information – hopefully soon another blog post! Thank you 💕
Hi Liv, glad you enjoyed it 😊 doing past life regression and Between Lives sessions certainly brings up some interesting information😊