Akashic Records
What is the Akashic records? On many occasions, while working through a between lives session, people will refer to a great library. There is usually a keeper here, a guardian or guardians who help with bringing forward information.
Often it’s a place people are shown things they need to understand from previous lives, but this place seems to hold incredible knowledge of everything.
How The Akashic Records Are Perceived
It’s often shown in different ways, but usually in a way that seems to fit the client’s perception or understanding.
I’ve had clients describe it as a grand hall, with pillars. This type of description is often described as some vast Roman style hall.
Other say that it’s a library, but not actually a library. It’s more like an energetic construction, some say with no walls. It’s said that we are shown it in a form, like our physically libraries, so we can understand it more and comprehend what the visual representation means. Pretty much we are presented it in almost metaphorical imagery, in a way that is best suited to us.
Common Understandings Of The Akashic Records
The one common thing about this place though, is that it represents vast information, some of which can be accessed by the client to help understand or aid them in which ever way is necessary at this point in their journey.
This great library is often referred to through many sources as the Akashic records. The library of all events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future.
Book a Session
If you would like to experience the full between lives session and visit the Akashic records, you can contact me via my contacts page. The between lives state is reached via the death point of a past life regression. You can work with me face to face in my office in Glasgow or online via Skype or Zoom.
About Me

I am a qualified and professionally trained clinical hypnotherapist based in Glasgow, Scotland. I have worked with spiritual hypnosis since the early 1990’s and have a wealth of knowledge and experience on the subject. I specialise in past life regression and between lives hypnosis which allows you to experience the spiritual elements of the mind.